No one is really excited about yearly physicals at the PCP, right? And stepping on that scale is no one's favorite activity. Well, when I was really being good on my road to a healthy lifestyle (pre-Covid) I ENJOYED that yearly check-up and actually annoyed getting on the scale. Yeah, that's weird. But it's true. In the past I would ask after I weighed in what my weight was, because I knew I was down from the last visit. This time I'm not so anxious, lol. But it is a good starting point, and I'm thinking of it as a positive. I will step on that scale knowing I gained weight since last March, and owning it. Sometimes in a weight loss journey you need to take a step back and just own where you are, good or bad. I've kept a good bit off, and I'm proud of that. And I know I can lose more. It's been more difficult with everyone home. It's harder for me to be accountable. And since I've been unsure about going out, Mr. G does more of the shopping, and...