I jumped on the bandwagon and ordered Goli Apple Cider Vinegar gummies. I have tried to use AVC in the past, but couldn't stand the taste. (I tried it in tea, apple juice, and water, and nope, nope, and nope) I've recently run out of my daily supplement of Green Coffee Bean (GCB) and shipping is taking forever unfortunately. Well, over the last week I have noticed that I can't eat enough; I am so snacky and so hungry (more than usual). By Wednesday, I had had enough. I was eating too much for no reason. And just like my Nunna used to say, at night when I was watching tv, I wasn't hungry, but I was craving to "chew on something".
Granted, stress has been a huge factor this past week, and it will stay a factor, and let's face it, stress is always around us. I have to react better to it. And if ACV can help me not stress eat, I'll take it!
I talked to a few folks who say this ACV works and tastes good. I won't say it is "yummy" (my probiotic gummies for kids that I take are definitely yummy!!) but they aren't bad. They are fruity and have an essence of apple cider vinegar, but not enough to make you wince. Weight loss would be a bonus at this point, curbing my appetite is what I was looking for, and any other health benefits are another bonus. I took my first dose yesterday. After two gummies I wasn't snacky at all between breakfast and lunch. After lunch I took two more, and again didn't get snacky.
So I call yesterday a win. Mind you, it was only day one. And I know that. I also know it could be all psychosomatic.
Today will be day two and we'll see how it goes. But I can't keep going like I was last week!
And if it works, I am all for paying $19 a bottle.
If anyone has tried ACV and had good results, I would love to hear from you!
Granted, stress has been a huge factor this past week, and it will stay a factor, and let's face it, stress is always around us. I have to react better to it. And if ACV can help me not stress eat, I'll take it!
I talked to a few folks who say this ACV works and tastes good. I won't say it is "yummy" (my probiotic gummies for kids that I take are definitely yummy!!) but they aren't bad. They are fruity and have an essence of apple cider vinegar, but not enough to make you wince. Weight loss would be a bonus at this point, curbing my appetite is what I was looking for, and any other health benefits are another bonus. I took my first dose yesterday. After two gummies I wasn't snacky at all between breakfast and lunch. After lunch I took two more, and again didn't get snacky.
So I call yesterday a win. Mind you, it was only day one. And I know that. I also know it could be all psychosomatic.
Today will be day two and we'll see how it goes. But I can't keep going like I was last week!
And if it works, I am all for paying $19 a bottle.
If anyone has tried ACV and had good results, I would love to hear from you!
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