Seriously folks... we are in this for another month! I am struggling.
I'm putting that out there. You are not alone in the snack struggle.
And due to being in this for another month, I think I'm going to have to make a better snack list for the husband. When we buy snacks, we are typically hungry, and bad things happen!
I looked in the mirror last night and my face is puffy! PUFFY! Ugh...
But the good news is, I just finished my protein shake and am ready to start making next week's snack list. And honestly, everyone freaked out that first week acting like everything would be shut down and we would all be locked indoors, that we grabbed every nonperishable thing we could find. And we've been eating them. We didn't buy fruits and veggies since we were under the impression that this was it, before the weekend was over, there would be no weekly shopping trips.
And yet there is!
I'm going to buy some fresh fruits and veggies today, and we actually found some fresh chicken breasts over the weekend (finally). I have to be tough on myself, because I got too used to bad snacks. How are you doing in all of this? Have you been grabbing those carb/sugar filled snacks like me? I feel so guilty by the end of the day, do you too?
We can do this! It won't be easy, but we can do it.
I want to start going for walks if the weather will make up it's mind (Saturday and Sunday it was 73-75 F degrees out, today it's 45. Seriously.) We need to social distance, but we can still go for a walk and get some fresh air.
I will admit, I've gotten TONS of work done over this, but for me, that means LOTS of sitting. And the stress? Well, that's where the snacking comes in. There's just been a lot going on, and add in the stress of being stuck in the house.
For now, we have eachother. Find me on social media if you want to chat about stress snacking.
Until next time, we can do this, and we can do it together. My goal is to lose at least 5lbs by May 1st.
Are you in?
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