Hi, and happy Friday (I think it's Friday at least...)
I am in a holding pattern with my weight loss and it sucks. (sorry, but I'm being honest)
I didn't do GREAT this past week, but I tried not to eat too many snacks either. I did grab a few snack bags of chips, and I think I need to STOP that.
With Easter coming, I did buy candy for our little family. And I will let myself eat chocolate on Sunday. (Because I have been looking forward to it)
BUT, I did learn something about myself during this #StayAtHomeOrder, something that I already knew, but never realized how important it actually was... I need something to look forward to. I always planned once a week or once every two weeks (depending on our budget) a dinner out. Nothing fancy, order pizza (which we are very picky about) or go out for a burger at a local bar and grill. Now we can't "go out" anywhere, but you can still order. (and we are very picky about take out, 99% or it doesn't taste good to us as take out, it's only good eating fresh, so that easily limits what we will and won't eat during this pandemic - it gives us no choice really)
I wasn't penciling in that once or twice a week treat during all of this. And I was slowly losing it. I grabbed that bag of chips, or that cookie, during the week without regret. I was stressed and feeling the cabin fever - even though I typically don't go that many places. Have you felt this way? The antsy feeling of crawling out of your own skin? The wanting to run away? Even though your normal day was staying at home? Well, that's been me.
This week I took the initiative to pencil in Pizza tonight. My husband laughed at me, but it worked. It gave me something to look forward to. (And don't ask why, but I am very picky about pizza, I only enjoy Pizza Hut or a local bar and grill, and their pizza is only really good eat-in - but I might give take out a try if this persists)
Seeing that on the menu and knowing that was dinner on Friday helped me not feel like the walls were closing in this week. So, that is my new plan. Schedule in those fun/splurge days, and follow through.
Something else, next week I am going to try to start exercising. I haven't at all during this pandemic. I've been too stressed and down. I don't know about you. Burton Nutrition has boot camps online, and are doing a live boot camp every Saturday morning. I am going to try my best to do them.
If you are interested in workouts, check out:
(scroll down to the Boot Camps) https://www.burtonnutrition.com/blogs/news/burton-nutrition-90-day-challenge-workouts
Are you better with a schedule? I don't schedule in exercise, but I schedule our dinners. I have a weekly menu so I know what to cook. I also make my lunch shake at the SAME TIME every day. So maybe I should start scheduling in exercise?
None of us know how long this is going to last, and I REFUSE to gain back all the weight that I worked so hard to lose. I have to make some changes.
Have you made any changes to your lifestyle since this all happened? If so, what works for you?
I hope you all are staying safe! If you ever want to chat you can find me on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter. I'd love to hear how you are keeping healthy, I'm always up for suggestions. Oh, and don't forget to drink your water!

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