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It's Time to be Awesome

Yesterday I started over (wait, have I said that before?)

I watched my calories, and drank my shake for lunch (instead of eating something) and tried to get in my water. It was rough.
When you get used to eating foods, and not so healthy foods, it is hard to not eat them. And you crave them. You mistakenly think you need them.
And it sucks.
And it's hard.
But if you want it bad enough, you'll try.
And I am.
I am trying again today.
I will take this one day at a time - no, one meal at a time.

We (meaning my husband and I) ordered Fit Boards. Yep, we did. Yes, the ones you saw on Shark Tank. I'll let you know if they work.

I got very used to snacking in the morning and the afternoon and the evening. Did you?
This quarantine made me lazy. I look at the room and say "I should vacuum/dust" then I don't.
And I keep thinking I am not going anywhere this summer, so what am I fighting for?
Then I see people on tv like former WWE wrestler Michelle McCool - who birthed two children and is retired and looks freaking amazing still! Talk about washboard abs, dang.
And Days of Our Lives soap opera star Victoria Konefal. Yes, she is 20years my junior, but if I could only look half as good as she does I'd be happy!
And, no, I don't always compare myself to others, but I know where I want to be, I know how I want to look, and this current couch potato look is not it, lol!

Because I slipped over this quarantine, I am giving myself a little break. Instead of being good Monday through Friday, I will start out trying to be good Monday through Thursday, and Friday will be a meal by meal day.
I can do this.
I am the only one that can do this.

Are you having as much trouble as I am getting motivated?

 -  Me


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