Last weekend we had my son's birthday party. I wasn't even going to buy chips, so I wouldn't have an opportunity to eat them. I made a veggie tray and dip, a veggie pizza, and spinach dip. So many veggies! My list said pretzels, and maybe chips. In my mind, that meant ONE bag of each. I even started a Walmart order (which I then cancelled due to my husband going to the store instead). I had ONE bag of generic pretzels on it (they were on sale). I did order a bag of Veggie Straws, and my husband wanted one from Sam's Club. So the Veggie Straws would be for the party, instead of chips. I was set! It was all going to help me not eat like I know that I shouldn't. (BTW, I love chips. If I had to pick chips or a donut, I'd pick chips everytime - which is why I don't keep them in my house) My husband comes home with: bag of pretzels, cheetos, bbq chips, chips, two bags of tortilla chips, Sam's Club Veggie Straws (like this bag could feed a football team), an...
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