Do you ever have those days where you get an idea, and you focus on it all day? Yesterday was one of those days for me. My Dad was talking about flavored coffee creamer, and how it is really not so great for your health. I got home and it bugged me all night - because I love my flavored coffee creamer. And I'm slowly learning that it isn't very healthy for you (as tasty as it is). Today I have spent most of my morning researching different brands of coffee creamer and their ingredients. What brand do you use? What brand do you like? Anyone have a secret recipe they created and would like to share? I am all ears! My thought of the day is trans fats... I've narrowed it down to Califia Farms dairy free creamer. Now, the difficult part will be finding where I can buy it. I know for sure that my local grocer, that I frequent many times a week, does not carry it. Do you use this brand? Is it any good? As soon as I find it I'll let you know...because I am very picky ab...